Various Weapons


This weapon is a hand-made halberd, a razor-sharp blade resting atop a thick and powerful shaft, forged with love and care and designed with absolutely no magic assisting in its creation. There are no strange auras, no unique features, no telling arcane signatures that identify it as a weapon that should stand out in any way.

What DOES make it stand out, however, is the fact that it was forged not in fire…but in ice and water. Large slabs of metal were frozen and then broken into shape like brittle candy, finalized pieces were tempered in sub-zero water, and more intricate shapes were formed by simply pounding them into shape with raw strength alone.

While many smiths have argued over the effectiveness and ability of “cold forging” in comparison to more traditional techniques, the Valtameri is evidence that sometimes it can be done well. The result is a blade that not only works perfectly fine in frozen or aquatic environments, with the low temperatures being ingrained into the metal, but also leaves a deep chill on every wound it inflicts. A reliable, effective, and powerful weapon, it also serves as proof that sometimes weapons don’t need magics deep within the blade in order to cut down whoever dares to threaten its wielder.



A colloquial term truncuating the proper name, “Gigawatt Energy Impact Grenades”, the Giganades are a revolutionary new weapon from Kaiser Future Enterprises, providing the damage and force of a typical frag grenade without the risk of friendly fire.
Any frequent utilizer of grenades can tell you that the power that can be held in these little things can’t be beat. The area of effect is massive, the destruction is absolutely amazing, and the ability to bounce them around corners or lob them over obstructions really help them get around. The problem, however, lies in their inherent unreliability.
Now, with proper precaution and practice, the risk of self-injury or friendly fire from a trained hand is reduced to only 23%. Kaiser Future Enterprises, in their infinite wisdom, have developed a grenade that reduces that number even further to a mere 5%.

What’s the secret? The secret lies twofold! First off, the grenades are containers for a new substance called “solid fire”, unstable energy that is kept chill in the grenade’s interiors. Once come into contact with an enemy or once proper time expires, however, the powder is ejected out–upon coming into contact with the warmth of the air, it denses and ignites the air instantly, slamming into enemies with the force and heat of an explosion. Second off, the armor used by K.F.E.’S Assault, Networking, and Tactics Division is specially tempered against this energy, allowing them to remain safe when detonations go off nearby. Solid fire hits their armor and coats them, harmlessly passing over them, leaving them without any damage and saving it all for the enemies.



For hunting, accuracy and range is the first and absolute paramount desire. Getting good prey means nothing if you can’t get them from a distance that both keeps you safe and keeps them unaware. For this reason, the carbine rifle has typically been the preferred weapon of a hunter. As the years went by, however, situations quickly arose in which hunters needed to use both hands–there were surprise attacks, or he needed to lug heavy equipment, or other such common scenarios.
For the group of people known as the Handgun Hunters, they had a solution to this–simply hunt with a handgun instead of a big and large rifle. To hunt with a handgun, however, required a lot of specialization–the gun needed to be customized to accept large ammo, the barrel needed to be extended, a good grip needed to be installed to hold the gun steady, a scope needed to be put on top…it was just too much of a hassle, compared to ready-to-go rifles.

That is where Kaiser Future Enterprises steps in with their Civilian Defense & Recreation line of firearms. Half trail gun, half hunting pistol, all accurate and mean, the Barracuda is a weapon designed specifically for striking down even the toughest meat at a great distance.
With a revolver grip and a lengthy and straight barrel capable of being rested on anything, a steady aim is almost guaranteed. The top rail slide is adjustable to accomodate any type of scope or sight that the user desires, and the built-in muzzle suppressors help to keep recoil reasonable. Chambering the massive .55FP rounds, any game struck by this gun is sure to collapse and have trouble getting back up again–and any prey sought out by a hunter wielding this weapon may as well head back to its family and inform it that it’s never coming back again.

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